Love is thee glue!
Glorious love undeniably everlasting essence of Grace and Beauty
Love is thee glue!
You got your cue
It’s nothing new
Love flowers through you
As the hug you give to you
Give love to others, put your arms around them
To calm their nerves pacifying whims
Love is thee Glue!
All we need is LOVE …
No need for division
No need for political agenda ..
polarized Ideology which feeds external power and promote separation
Cause We love all of our Sisters and Brothers
No need to inspect or doubt our genealogy
Love is thee Glue !
All we need is LOVE …
Not waiting for anyone to figure it out
Cause in me
my heart is ticking with each beat in tune with God’s Love
Come over here cause the Table is SPREAD
Feast of Love is going on
Not waiting for your approval of my role
Cause I am listening
guided by the Divine..
I am wonderfully created and Whole by design..
Love is thee Glue!
All we need is LOVE!…
Gas prices rising like Mama’s dough for Parker house rolls or like the yeast in sourdough Bread
Groceries in the Super marketplace skyrocketing prices
Seem like somebody playing craps rolling the dices
No worry, no fretting cause Spirit got my Back
Cause I am worthy of the best life has to offer
no time to mourn , groan ,horde or complain nor take God’s name in vain
Love is thee Glue !
All we need is LOVE…
War in Ukraine, Oh what a disturbing disgrace
Killing of the innocent , knowing no creed nor color nor race
Hey y’all stop believing the Media which show only fears displayed in all forms of distortion and illusion
reenforcing only Fears..”False Evidence appearing Real. “ This certainly is not let’s make a Deal!
In the midst of it all
Push your reset button in the center of your palms ..
Breathing deeper and slowly
flowing in and through you..
Oh, what peace and calm !
Breathe, Be, let it be.. Feel
feelings with compassion for another’s Pain
Everything Dissolving like the fizz of an
Alka-Seltzer tablets In glass of sparkling water
Remembering who created every human
Who gave you breath?
Who allows you the activity of your limbs?
Who kept blood running warm in your veins?
Who gave eyes to see a new day dawning?
Stand in the Center of the Holy Circle surrounded by twelve archangels of the Heavenly host ..
My child
Allowing God’s Grace and Love to keep you sane , willing, and able
Sit on a fallen log
Look up at the cathedral of the Sky
Remembering the Spirit sits high looks low
As Above so Below
You are a luminous golden being of God’s Light and Love ..
So today with a glad heart of Gratitude
We Bow our head to our heart
Thank you Master Creator for giving me love
I now give your love away.
Love is thee Glue
I pour from my Heart
My Love for you and all of Humanity!
Senior Editor, Digital Manager, Blogger, has been nominated for awards several times as Publisher and Author over the years. Has been with company for almost three years and is a current native St. Louisan.