Beloved, my fellow SOUL Companion, Welcome to this Glorious and Divinely inspired Day …
In the Beginning was THEE Word… so my Darling sit down in the Silence of your SOUL…
For our Words in thought and then say, set the tone for how this day they call Saturday, will UNFOLD…
Words of praise and Thanksgiving blessing you to be In the Land of the LIVING ..
Say THEE Word!!
So you can be giving and saying words that portray a false sense of carnal Love but, you gotta to Believe them words that are out pouring from the depths of your SOUL .
Words that heal, Words that comfort and Console.
Words that to the ONENESS inherent in all of HUMANITY…
In the Beginning was THEE WORD…
Words that define and not dehumanize the Masterpiece that was created when the Divine… said ” Let there Be”…
What came to be was all forms of blossoming yellow Daffodils, proclaiming, hey I am bringing you the flow and energy of what I was created to be.. putting a smile upon your face…
SEE, SEE, my deep dimples adorn my cheeks like a piece of priceless fine Jewelry…
Say THEE Word
In the Beginning was THEE WORD…
Let there be the greenery of blades of grass, waving back and forth, dancing with grace and courage cause once more Mother Earth is sharing her beauty and Majesty …
tall trees that once were naked and only their brown, white and grey bark you could see, have begun spouting and shouting and sharing their green leaves flowing in the wind like the flowing words from this verse of SOUL- FULL Poetry..
Hear the sound of TRUTH with a Capital T as it is gurgling in the brooks, as it flows identifiably in synchronization with the rocks that combined in a command performance of perfect harmony ..
The rivers are flowing through the valleys and around the bend over the mountains to empty itself of where it has been
It washed away the debris of stories of how we used to be Filled with hatred, self-loathing, and biases,
White supremacy that polluted our minds and dickering with petty nuances of superiority laced with nonsensical reactions creating a disturbing Distortion of Reality..
OH! OH, Reality you say, What the hell is that? Since we all have our own version and we always proclaim this is the way that it is. In a loud boisterous voice “My Reality and Truth are the way, suck it up and do as you told and not be seen “
Well, it’s time to set you straight. We all are on our paths and destined to reap what we sow with no claim to Fame.. No trumpets blowing and sounding like the late but great Louis Armstrong, “What a wonderful World.”
Oh, is that “Amazing Grace, I hear Aretha singing in the distance. Sing QUEEN sing “Through many toils and snares, I have already come, ‘Tis grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home”… Say THEE Word!
Image: Florian van Duyn
Senior Editor, Digital Manager, Blogger, has been nominated for awards several times as Publisher and Author over the years. Has been with company for almost three years and is a current native St. Louisan.