Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Don’t Wait for a Diagnosis: Find Weight Loss Hope through Faith and Action

Obesity isn’t a death sentence. However, most people find the health and fitness industry to be filled with contradictory information and false promises. If you are overwhelmed by the misinformation and inconsistency, read today’s article to discover how faith and practical tools can help you regain control and embrace a healthier life for yourself and your loved ones.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Moving Forward: Embracing Second Chances and Overcoming Regrets

Learn how to let go of past mistakes and regrets, and take advantage of second chances in life. Discover how Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries can help you prioritize health, fitness, and spiritual well-being. Purchase the books, follow the blog and social media accounts, and tune in to the radio show for valuable insights and motivation. Make a difference through a tax-deductible donation today!

Posted inLifestyle

The True Value of Freedom in Health and Fitness: Breaking the Chains of Unhealthy Habits

Discover the priceless value of freedom in health and fitness and the detrimental effects of being bound to unhealthy habits. This article explores the importance of recognizing the root of the problem and finding true liberation through Jesus Christ. It also introduces a unique approach to health and fitness through the Eating as an Act of Worship Workbook and provides various platforms for support and motivation.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: Dispelling the Spiritual Darkness of Unhealthy Lifestyles

Sinful habits are often done away from prying eyes. Whether it’s an extramarital affair or a drug addiction, people usually do not openly display their sin. Unfortunately, it’s the same for those suffering from unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders. Although the outward results of your dysfunctional lifestyle can’t always be hidden, most people either intentionally or unintentionally conceal the depths of their detrimental habits. If you are ready to step out of spiritual darkness and into the light of a healthy lifestyle through Christ, read today’s article!

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Black Health Matters: Applying Biblical Principles to Make Better Health and Fitness Choices

For years, public service announcements, the medical profession, and even the fitness industry has advocated for people to make better choices regarding their health and fitness. Although many intend to heed the sage advice, most people maintain their healthy lifestyles. If you struggle to adopt healthier lifestyle changes, read today’s article for encouragement to stop procrastinating when it comes to your health and fitness!

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Black Health Matters:  Using Biblical Principles to Move Out of Your Health and Fitness Comfort Zone

Are you one of those people who likes to weight train and hates cardio workouts, or do you prefer a good run and eschew weights? Then there are those who believe they can eat anything so long as they work out hard. In other words, we all have health and fitness beliefs that we adhere to which often prevent us from reaching our diet and exercise goals. Read today’s article for inspiration to leave your comfort zone!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: There is No Easy Way Out of an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Fad diets and gimmicks are not new, but the latest craze, surprisingly, has people consuming a drug meant to treat those suffering from Type II diabetes. Consumer demand for the drug is so high, it is negatively impacting those who need the medicine. Never mind the fact that this is a brand new drug whose long-term effects are unknown. The current trend is proof positive that people want to take the easy way out to losing weight and becoming free of eating disorders.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: Forget the Competition

Unfair comparisons are a hallmark of today’s society so much so that people get paid to do it. That does not mean their assessments are true. It is the same when individuals compare and contrast themselves with other people, especially when it comes to health and fitness. The only person you should ever compete with is yourself in order to become a better version of you! To find out, read today’s article!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: The Best is Yet to Come

The Bible says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” Psalm 30:5. Instead of taking comfort in this Scripture, we often complain about how long the “night” of our uncomfortable circumstances last. We do not consider what lessons are to be learned from the experience. Consequently, we fail to truly appreciate the silver linings God provides to strengthen us and encourage us to endure. If you’re having difficulty sticking with your health and fitness plan, read today’s article.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: Labor Pains

Delivering a child is considered one of the worst pains a woman must endure. However, we fail to realize that we endure mental, emotional, and spiritual labor when we struggle to bring our visions and goals to fruition. If you’re laboring to make your health and fitness dreams a reality, read today’s article for motivation and encouragement to stay the course!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: For Such a Time as This

Procrastination is one of the many banes of human existence. It robs us of our ability to accomplish not only our long-term goals but also simple daily tasks such as exercising. God says to redeem the time and work while it is day, for the night is coming where no man can work. Read today’s article for encouragement and motivation to begin and adhere to your health and fitness plan even during such a time as this!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters:  Keep the Faith

Those who are overweight often have suffer from self-esteem issues. That can make losing weight even harder for them because they lack the capacity to believe they can reach their health and fitness goals. However, when you choose to lose weight and overcome eating disorders according to the Lord’s plan, your faith is never misplaced because you put it in the God who never fails.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters:  Don’t Lose Sight of the Vision

It is difficult to believe you can attain a healthy weight when the mirror shows your unhealthy, overweight physique every day. Likewise, you might think it is impossible to stop bingeing and purging or starving yourself to death. If you are unable to see past your current circumstances, read today’s article to focus your vision on the future version of a healthier you!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: Do You Have a Plan?

Planning is a big part of becoming healthy and fit. That is evident from the New Year’s resolutions we make each year to the terms we use, such as diet plan, exercise plan, and fitness plan. Those phrases imply that simply choosing a method of dieting or joining a gym means that you have a concrete plan to lose weight or become free of an eating disorder. Unfortunately, like making New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and become free of an eating disorder, the choices you made are just a good start. Read today’s article to discover God’s health and fitness plan for your life and make it your own!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: After the food party is gone

It is 2023, the holiday festivities are over, and resolutions have been made. Unfortunately, some have also already been broken. Even though the party is over, there are always stragglers who do not know when to go home. If you find it difficult to leave the holiday junk food party, read today’s article for motivation to adopt and maintain a healthier lifestyle in 2023!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: The God Who Heals You

Very often, those who are overweight or entangled with eating disorders develop medical conditions as a result of their unhealthy lifestyles. Aside from being too fat or dangerously skinny, there is usually a system in the body that is being gravely abused and in danger of failing. If this is a pattern in your family or your own life, read today’s article so that God can heal you.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters-Don’t Be a Fool

Many people who are overweight and dealing with eating disorders are plagued by mental and emotional anguish whether it is due to past trauma, mental illness, or body image issues. If you are or have been suffering mental and emotional distress which contributes to your health and fitness decline, read today’s article to learn God’s plan to renew your mind in every way so that you can take care of your body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Black Health Matters: Learn the Lord’s Health and Fitness Ways

We all know intellectually what it takes to lose weight and be free of eating disorders. We should. We have been taught how to eat right and exercise since grade school. Nevertheless, a very high percentage of adults in the United States are overweight, obese, or suffering from eating disorders. Since the status quo obviously working, it is time for us all to learn the Lord’s health and fitness ways.

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Black Health Matters: Pursue, Overtake, and Recover

You may have heard it said that people, especially women try to attain impossible standards of beauty, especially as it relates to health and fitness. While there is truth in the statement, it is, paradoxically, also false. Attaining a healthy and fit body is possible, but the question is: are you willing to fight for it? For encouragement to do just that, read today’s article!

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Black Health Matters: Be Honest with Yourself

Human beings are notorious for being dishonest with themselves. We have a tendency to alter the past in a light most favorable to us and to convince ourselves that it is alright to do the wrong thing. That is especially true when it comes to convincing ourselves to abandon our health and fitness goals. If you want to finally succeed, read today’s article to learn how to be honest with yourself.

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Black Health Matters:  The Flesh is Weak

Lack of willpower is a common excuse for failing to stick to diet and exercise plans. Whether it is caving at the sight of your favorite dessert or being too tired to exercise after work, most people have difficulty finding the motivation to start and maintain health and fitness regimens. If you find that you are among those whose flesh is weak, read today’s article for motivation to get healthy and fit as well as encouragement to stay that way!

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Stop Playing the Blame Game

Society provides us with many excuses for being overweight and becoming ensnared by eating disorders. The justifications range from environmental factors to genetics. While those can be contributors to excess weight and disordered eating habits, we must still take responsibility for our failure to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Read today’s article for encouragement to hold yourself accountable and maturity to achieve your health and fitness goals!

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It’s Not as Bad as You Think

If you have not realized it yet, health and fitness is a mind game. It is Satan’s job to either keep you in denial about the unhealthy condition of your body or to discourage you from achieving your fitness goals. If becoming healthy and fit seems unattainable to you, read today’s article to discover that it’s really not as bad as you think it is.

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Microwave Moments

Unfortunately, most people seek instantaneous health and fitness results by trying dangerous diet gimmicks. The hard truth is that weight loss and freedom from eating disorders are accomplished only through hard work and diligently following a diet and exercise plan. Read today’s article for motivation to make your health and fitness routine last for more than just a microwave moment.

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Why Should You Keep Fighting?

Becoming healthy and getting fit are battles that most people are losing. Although weight loss failures are disheartening and overcoming eating disorders can seem overwhelming, you should not give up. Your life depends on it. Read today’s article for encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to keep fighting on the health and fitness battlefield until you are victorious!

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Do You Really Love the Lord?

It can be difficult for people to understand that obedience to God’s commandments is proof of your love for Him. It is even harder for them to equate worshipping God with being healthy and fit. Read today’s article to learn how health and fitness corresponds to your spiritual relationship with the Lord.

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Should You be Concerned about BPA (Bisphenol A)?

The foods and beverages we ingest and even the air we breathe are contaminated with all sorts of chemicals that pollute not only our planet, but also our very bodies. Increasingly, people are demanding to know what additives are in the goods they consume and searching for healthier alternatives. Read today’s article to learn more about a popular substance that affects practically everyone, but most people are unaware of.

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Put Food in Its Place

It has become commonplace to eat “comfort food” when a problem arises in life. Likewise, people don’t consider it a problem to down a few drinks to chase away their blues. Consequently, the world has tiptoed into idolatry without even being aware of it. Read today’s article to learn how to put food back in its proper place!

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Eating As An Act of Worship: A Soul Mind

According to the world’s doctrine, it takes about thirty days to form new habits such as eating healthy and exercising. Conversely, God’s Word teaches us that true change comes when our minds are renewed. It further explains that fear is one of the weapons the enemy uses to prohibit us from truly changing. Read today’s article to learn how to obtain a sound mind through Christ in regard to your health and fitness!

Posted inThe Narrative Matters

Things To DO In Detroit: Explore Winter Fun: Ice Skating at Detroit’s Campus Martius

Looking for the perfect winter outing? Head over to The Rink at Campus Martius Park, presented by Visit Detroit. Located in the heart of Downtown Detroit on Woodward Avenue, this premier outdoor ice-skating rink offers an experience unlike any other in Michigan. With its stunning skyline backdrop and the grandeur of Detroit’s Christmas Tree, it’s […]

Posted inArticulated Insight

A Revolutionary Friendship-Based Economy: The Future of Conscious Spending in America

Articulated Insight – “News, Race and Culture in the Information Age” A national movement is reshaping the way Americans think about their spending power. In a bold and revolutionary step toward economic justice, Friends of the Movement (FotM) has launched Our Money United, a groundbreaking initiative that turns everyday transactions into an act of solidarity and empowerment. At the heart of this movement is a Friendship-Based Economy, […]