More poetry from our lesbian columnist own style of reflections.
My female partner left marks on my body when she assaulted me. I posted the pictures. I did not say her name, but everybody knew who it was. She even had the audacity to ask me to give her a public apology. That is true narcissistic behavior.
Some people in the LGBTQI+ community frowned upon it and others supported my decision. Women hurting other women is unacceptable and one only way to start the healing is to expose perpetrators.
Some have asked, “Why did you do it?”
My answer, I did it because I wanted to.
I did it because it needed to be done.
Somebody had to do it.
F that mess about keeping our business in our house.
That is precisely why I did it,
it was time out for letting abusers get away with it.
It was time out for others controlling the narrative about my life.
It had to be done.
Why should I have walked around in shame?
Why should I have hidden the marks placed on my body
by someone that said they loved me?
Why should I have worn long sleeves so I would not be ashamed
when people asked how that happened?
Was I supposed to walk around in secrecy?
Tryi to cover up your indecency?
Hell no, I did it because it had to be done.
It was time out for people getting away with hurting me.
I did it for all the girls and boys that went to sleep weeping
because they could not speak their truth.
I did it so you would suffer the shame that you threw.
I threw it back at you
and all those that thought they got away with hurting others.
I did it so you would get help,
or crawl into a hole and leave us good people alone.
Be gone or get some help.
I did it because I needed to be sure we were through.
I did it because I wanted to.
The same way you wanted to hurt me.
But I was not trying to hurt.
I did it so a way could be paved.
So, someone would have courage to do what I did
I bet you thought this was about you.
Mozayik ‘the souls’ poet’
Senior Editor, Digital Manager, Blogger, has been nominated for awards several times as Publisher and Author over the years. Has been with company for almost three years and is a current native St. Louisan.