Featured image: Fineas Anton
Filled with Holy vibrations……
Gurl, I can say goodbye to all my negative sensations.
Thoughts of judgment often saturate the cells in my brain, flooding my heart with dread penetrating , stabbing me viscerally with feelings of shame …
Hush your mouth, Gal! Pray Tell!
Sometimes I even forget my own name…
YEMAJA YEMAJA says that again… It took you over 30 years to be told by Angels to claim your real name!
They say judge not … It seems sometimes I am my own worst violator…
Disturbing my peace … I lock myself in my own jail staring through invisible bars……
That holds on tight to old wounds and scars..
But the bars are real! The Bars are real, I say … they lock me away…!!You see it was just my power of imagination that imprisoned only me.
Hush your mouth, Gal! This can’t end Well!
Pray Tell Pray Tell!
In prison, I could swear someone was there … Why did they even throw away the Key … leaving me mentally disturbed… by hijacking my inner peace and fragile sanity.
Hush your Mouth Gal! Hush your mouth, Gal! This can’t end Well! Pray Tell! Pray Tell!
In the deep! In the Deep Trenches of my inner subconsciousness….
Here she lies unbeknownst to only me.
This sounds creepy but it was in my gut… Saying Gal, it’s time to flow with this intention …
This is your ever present, always knowing, always showing, always leading you through transmutation and higher configuration …
Blissful vibration, yanking, and yearning to say look at me, feel me, choose me…
For, I am the key that is hell bent on unlocking your cell and setting you Free..
At last! At last! Deep inside my belly I got a tingling and twinge …
Hush your mouth Gal… This is ending Well!!
Pray Tell! Pray Tell!
All of this craziness is about to come to an end…
Choosing to release and let go of all the negative synergies that kept you drowning in a sea of unforgiveness and diabolically opposing winds of Change..
A Chooseloist That what I have chosen to be Choosing ..
Choosing to be free to be me…
I am free.
Choosing my own Spiritual Path, I am aligned with The Big G.
Choosing to own my Voice…
Graciously with humility allowing my desires to be known.
Speaking up …. being heard Authentically …
Unapologetically and Wholeheartedly Heart NTune, N Spirit. Energetically.
HUSH HUSH Your Mouth!! Cause GAL The Big G has all power, every moment in its presence you have your being. That Gal is where you abide and continuously Dwell.. All is well! ASE ASE!
Senior Editor, Digital Manager, Blogger, has been nominated for awards several times as Publisher and Author over the years. Has been with company for almost three years and is a current native St. Louisan.