By The Newsletter 05

I was watching the headlines closely as I noticed that Hurricane Ida was making its way toward landfall in Louisiana, which is said to be as destructive as Hurricane Katrina from 2005. As we all know Katrina was a large Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, that caused thousands to die and billion of dollars in damage.

The city of New Orleans and surrounding areas were particularly hit the hardest. And with Hurricane Ida wind gusts almost topping over 150 mph, this year’s event could be deadly.

Now, here comes Ida..At press time today, Sunday, August 29, 2021, Ida has made landfall as a ‘castastrophic’ Category 4 hurricane.

Much to all of our horror, that word is something we wanted never to hear again. However, we are at Hurricane season and the best thing for anyone to do is steer clear.

Photo by Associated Press, depicting the surge along the coast.


According to, there are mandatory and voluntary evacuations in effect for many areas in Southern Louisiana and Mississippi ahead of Hurricane Ida.

The Mayor Cantrell of New Orleans said the hurricane had developed more rapidly than anyone has prepared for and there are no indications that it will weaken.She also stressed that it is too late for mandatory evacuation and called for residents to either evacuate the city voluntarily or shelter in place and hunker down.


While Ida is barrelling down, Hospitals in New Orleans are in the midst of a severe outbreak of Covid-19, which does not make things easier.There are a reported 220 new cases, which was updated Saturday, of August 28th.

Photo courtesy of BBC


New Orleans’ deputy chief administrator officer for infrastructure Ramsey Green, offers confidence that the levy system as constructed now, will survive the storm.He went on to assure the community that this wasn’t 16 years ago, since Katrina and the city is protected.

That sounds so reassuring, but only the good Lord has the final say in these powerful storms.So, I will trust only in Him, if needed.

President Joe Biden also told Louisiana residents to pay attention and be prepared in a statement posted on Twitter.

Photo by Associated Press as the tropics are about to get hit hard.


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