Discover how LifeBUILDERS Detroit is transforming their community by providing hope, light, and opportunity for urban renewal. Learn more here.
Reclaim. Rebuild. Empower.
Established in 2005 with the mission to bring life and hope to the east side of Detroit, LifeBUILDERS seeks to restore a community that had suffered the devastating effects of disinvestment for nearly 20 years. The ministry set their sights on the Regent Park neighborhood, which is bordered by Kelly Rd., Gratiot Ave, 8 Mile Rd. and 7 Mile Rd. This community was blighted and crime-ridden, with no safe places to play and declining schools. The community needed hope, the youth needed opportunities, the seniors needed care, and someone needed to address the blighted conditions and advocate for the community residents.
As of today…
Over 18 years of effort, millions of dollars, tens of thousands of hours of volunteer help and God’s richest blessing have been poured into the community of Regent Park. As a result of our work there are new parks, an early childhood education facility, over 85 houses that have been rehabbed and either rented or sold, and youth continue to gather year-round to hear about this God who came to save them. What a story, what a Savior.
Our Impact
The impact of our work can be seen today in the number of restored homes, blight reduction, parks, and educational and spiritual opportunities for our youth and families. But even more importantly in testimonies from our neighbors. Testimonies like: “nobody has ever cared for me this way”, or “they saved my life”, or as one young man said, “They have built me up, encouraged me to be all I can be in Christ”.
Here are a few of the key ways we’ve impacted our neighborhood:
- Restored over 80 residential and commercial properties
- Made Early Childhood Education available so parents can work
- Provided Christian Education opportunities to neighborhood youth.
- Conducted youth programs that have impacted the lives of thousands of youth.
- Met emergency needs during times of crisis
- Shared the love of Christ and the Word of God for over 15 years in our programs and revivals.
- Our advocacy has led to street lighting, improved public services, speed bumps, and an increasing focus on our community.
We work on the Northeast side of Detroit in a neighborhood called Regent Park. The neighborhood is located in Zip Code 48205 and was named in 2011 as “Detroit’s Most Dangerous Zip Code”. The crime rates in Regent were such that many residents moved out of fear and lack of hope. We are humbled and delighted to report that the neighborhood is on a very different trajectory today. People are actually moving into this neighborhood as residents are talking about what has happened in the community and the hope they now have!
#Detroit, #CommunityRenewal, #Hope