An Independent recognition ceremony, that started many seasons ago, is considered the longest running inner city event in St. Louis. Sure St. Louis has hosted many recognition shows that had given honors to local talents, small businesses and humanitarian efforts. However, The ReMix Awards Show is still standing, even after skipping last July’s ceremony due to the pandemic.
We are still straddling the fences with the pandemic, but the show must go on. And even though masks, vaccinations and social distancing are still in effect, the economy must be saved and we have got to keep pushing full steam ahead safely.
So, if you are in St. Louis, MO, on Sunday, May 23, 2021, you might want to consider checking this wonderful event out. The venue this year is Special Tyme Banquet Hall in the city of St. Louis. Doors will open at 6pm, and probably around 7pm, the band featuring Mz Sha, will get started as the show introduction begins.
This short list of honorees will feature a very popular restaurant that is about to expand, Steve’s Hot Dogs and More; a woman who has been helping the north side community of St. Louis with her many blessings and her food shop, Deborah Creswell; prolific talents of ILL Bleed and YC BEY; Florida’s queen of cannabis, Roz Mc Carthy; Ladie’s Night Promoter, Patrick Robinson; Manager of the Year, James Witherspoon; Band of the Year, Coleman Hughes Project; Pioneer Biker’s Club of the Year, Biker’s Corner and the Producer of the Year, Sylvia Watkins of Atlanta.
The last ReMix Awards Show was much larger with over 20 recipients, and there is talk of another late ceremony in the fall. There will be live music from a local band and some wonderful musicians from around St. Louis as well, to keep the audience entertained.
Every year the show gives back to the homeless initiatives, so hopefully that will be the case this time around. There is no cost at the door, only if the patrons require reserved seats, then they have to pay $20. The ReMix always gives vendors the opportunity to sell their products too, so you will find plenty of vendors on hand.
Dynasty Television will be on hand to film the event and place it on their media portal. So if you are thinking about attending, you might want to look your best.
You must wear a mask upon entry, and when walking around or at the bar. The kitchen will be open, serving some great food, and there will be a cash bar. ReMix Awards Show is also part of St. Louis’ iconic Independent influencer, founder and PR brand, The Newsletter’s 16th year anniversary.
A little bit on history:
It all started as an economy-boosting effort, later supporting the biker’s community and then the underserved businesses to music/hip hop entertainment.
Attendance is rounded off! (Including ticket sales absentees)
March 14, 2008, 1st annual 6 p.m. Club 747 (The Newsletter 3rd year anniversary celebration) 120 in attendance
Oct 14th ,2008 2nd semi-annual, Imperial Palace 130 in attendance (plus Ms. Ann’s fashion
Oct. 18, 2009 3rd semi-annual, Jesse’s Place in East St. Louis, IL 150 in attendance (standing)
Oct. 24, 2010 4th semi-annual, Junkyard Bar & Grill 145 in attendance
Oct. 30, 2011 5th semi, Junkyard Bar & Grill 150 in attendance (standing)
Oct. 26, 2012 6th semi-annual, Pure Ultra Lounge (formerly Junkyard Bar & Grill) 85 in attendance
Oct. 20, 2013 7th semi-annual, Real World Banquet Hall (Da-Elite Bar & Grill of St. Peters, MO) 107 in attendance
Aug. 31, 2014 8th semi-annual, new Pure Ultra Lounge (new location) 105 in attendance
September 27, 2015 9th semi-annual, The Signature Room over 115 in attendance
December 20, 2016 10th semi-annual Back Street Jazz and Blues 75 in attendance
October 29, 2017 11th semi-annual Blueberry Hill Duck Room 85 in attendance
September 23, 2018 12th semi-annual Backstreet Jazz & Blues 100 in attendance
July 28, 2019 13th semi-annual Club Diamond 125 in attendance
2020 was cancelled due to Covid- 19 pandemic.
May 23, 2021: 14th semi-annual awards show