Exploring the complexities of Kamala Harris’s political landscape and the external factors influencing her journey.

Articulated Insight – “News, Race and Culture in the Information Age”

Originally published Detroit IPTV 11.5.24

Kamala is in a race in Michigan for her political life in a  contest that should not even be close. Given Trumps record, the Democratic party should have no trouble crafting a winning campaign. So the problem may not be the Vice President Harris. It might be the Democratic Party. Here are 2 issues to consider:


Barack Obama used to be the undisputed spokesperson for African Americans. Most voted for him both terms. Since he has left office, his star has lost its luster. Why? I will list the problems, in the interest of brevity, I encourage readers to do their owns and get the readily available information.

Extending the Patriot Act.

The Gay Agenda

The assassination of Mohammar Ghadaffi

His insulting lecture recently to Black men.

To elaborate on the last point, his tendency to chastise the most punished and hated group of people on the planet, Black men. Apparently Obama has bought into the stereotypes manufactured by the mainstream media that helped to elect him. He lectured Black men during his presidency about their responsibilities as fathers. This was despite numerous studies that show Black men spend more time than any other ethnic group including White and Hispanic men:    https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/study-black-dads-more-involved-in-childrenss-lives-than-other-groups/ This sounds valid since there is no group more human or more humane than black men.

In Detroit, Obama was actually booed by some Black men in a focus group. They are fed up with his arrogant lecturing to them. He was given the benefit of the doubt by Black folks when he first came on the scene. After eight years in office with little or no advancement of their condition, don’t want to hear from his as to who they should vote for. The clueless notion that we should be more concerned with his “legacy” than the fact that Blacks are still being with impunity shows where his head is. How dare he.

They don’t need Barack or Michelle Obama or Magic Johnson to tell them where our interest lye. The “Brothas” can think for themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGPWo4nK50I&t=74s  To suggest theBlack men may have a problem with Kamala because she is a woman is insulting. That is European patriarchy thinking. Other than the “low information” voters that get all their news from mainstream corporate media, many Black are well informed on what matters and who supports their issues. Magic Johnson and Barack may have cost Kamala votes. Which leads me to my 2ed point.


Many African American males get much of their news and information about  their true history from the new Black online media. Their influence on Black thought is growing. Mainstream media, the Democratic party and their operatives have tried to ignore Black, the Black Authority,Vicki Dilliard and others but it ain’t working. Obama should know better.

The waning relevance of the Democratic Party to Black voters has been evident to those of us who pay attention for years. 


So even though Kamala has some serious issues with Black voters, if she loses in Michigan, it is not entirely her fault. The millions her  campaign is spending on media to reach Black voters is not getting to Black OWNED media. We are in touch with the demographic she needs to win. The new Black media (online and Pan-Africanist) has been telling their substantial followers that the Democrats are working to make Black Americans irrelevant. As the previous graph shows, the Dems have been losing Blacks of all persuasions since 2012.

Detroit is a bazaar case. With an 80% Black population, they have no Black leaders with enough influence to get Black Detroiters to the polls. The White Mayor who has won 3 election did not have pull to get two different Detroiters a win over Shri Thanadar. Detroit local NAACP according to reports got 6 million from the Democrats to get the vote out. But get the vote out for who? The video above clearly show that Kamala is on the tail end of a party that is becoming less and less  important to African Americans, young and old, male and female. The decline started at the end of Obamas term in office. The “Yes we can” battle cry has turned into ‘No we ain’t”. No to stopping the continuing murders by law enforcement, no to Reparation for the uncompensated labor and intellect property. No to payment for land that was taken from the first Americans, Black people who were here in the Americas long before the Mongolians and Siberians came across the top of the continent and down the west coast to establishments settlements. No to demanding a cease fire to the immoral and sick effort to wipe the Palestinian DNA from the human genome.

Black owned media is in touch with the people.  They know and care about the needs of their people. So unless the Democrats who are in charge of who gets Kamala’s media dollars make better decisions, it should be no surprise they lose in Michigan.

Keywords: Kamala Harris, political challenges, election prospects, political dynamics, VP election

#KamalaHarris #PoliticalAnalysis #Leadership

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