I am back with more Poetry and Prose, this is my Fairytale!

I dated a woman with a toxic masculine mindset. She was chivalrous as in being what our society calls a gentleman. She opened my doors and wanted to make sure I was cared for in every way possible. There was no way her woman would be without, no self-respecting “man” would not provide for his woman.

Her misogyny though, epitomized her hatred of women. She was not the only woman I have known that served me their internalized hatred of themselves because they were assigned female at birth. She thought I was too controlling. The truth is I could not be controlled.

It was absolutely a must that I honor her as the head because this is a requirement for a submissive woman. She is a product of this patriarchal society perpetuating this abuse on another woman.

She found it necessary to comment when I was not being submissive. She said I had a problem with men. I have been told by men and masculine women that I emasculate men. I have boundaries and when you continuously cross them, I am out. Period. I let you know up front that I am not going to allow you to disrespect me.

I was not raised to depend on anybody for anything. I never saw men coming to our rescue. I saw the women do it all, they were homeowners who tilled gardens, cut grass, built complex dog pens, changed the oil in the car and worked every day creating multiple streams of income.

It makes no sense to depend on a woman telling me to treat her like a man and if I don’t, I have issue with men. What in the world craziness is that?

This is my response to her remarks and foolery.

No Fairy Tales

I wasn’t raised on fairy tales

I never thought the prince was coming

I did not look or wait for him to march in on his horse

No matter the color

I grew up knowing I had to save myself

I had no visions of royal kisses in the moonlight

On a castle’s balcony

I took care of myself

I had no dreams of being taken care of

Or fitting like a hand and glove

I saw the men come

I saw the men go

No words or show

Just go

They were here today and gone tomorrow

Leaving behind sorrow

Tears and shame

But they were never blamed

It was up to the women

To carry on

Make everything work

Smiling instead of cussing

Laughing to keep from crying

All the while dying for some love

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Lesbian Columnist: Poetry & Prose

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