Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to move, and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20).  From your perspective, being free of bingeing and purging, no longer being anorexic, or losing 50, 150, or 300 pounds may seem as impossible as telling a mountain to move from one place to another, but nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37).  We overcome the problems of the world by our faith, the Blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony (1 John 5:4; Revelation 12:11).  Through faith in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, the mountain of eating disorders and obesity will crumble at your feet, and you will tread over that which previously blocked your path and hindered your success!  Your testimony to others as you celebrate every milestone should glorify God for giving you victory where you once failed.  When you repent and eat for His glory, your attitude of gratefulness coupled with your faith that Jesus will remove the yoke of bondage to gluttony and failing to take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is your body, insures you the victory that overcomes the world and makes you more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, doubting God’s faithfulness to perform His Word and His ability to do what is impossible for you in your own strength, sets up a mountain of fear that seems insurmountable.  “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).  If you listen to the truth of God’s Word regarding the cause and solution for being overweight and suffering from eating disorders, your faith in God increases that He will remove the mountain.  If you listen to your internal fears and the world’s doctrine about obesity and eating disorders, for example, bad genes, no willpower, or environmental factors, the mountain will remain and appear even larger with time.  I encourage you to change your perspective of the mountain in front of you and believe God is able and willing to help you overcome it.

If you are ready to tell the mountain of obesity and eating disorders in your life to move in the matchless Name of Jesus, then purchase your copies of the Eating as an Act of Worship Workbook and the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher’s Edition online today at Amazon or Barnes and  In the books, you will learn the biblical principles regarding the body, dieting, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body for the glory of God.  Read our weekly blog for motivation to stay healthy and fit through Christ.  Follow us daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for recipes, and diet and exercise tips.  Tune in to our syndicated radio show on the DFW Den Radio Station, the StudioW Buzz Radio Station, and Victory KVDW 100.9 FM, 95.3 FM, and 1530 AM in Little Rock, Arkansas for interviews and health and fitness trends.  Lastly, make your tax-deductible donation to Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries at!

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