Who are the biggest losers when it comes to the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer or P-EBT? In April, President Biden signed a bill to extend the food stamp benefit program statewide.
Parents with children, and individuals who qualified, got extra benefits for food until September, with the deadline slated for July 31st to apply; and if you have a child who is still attending school remotely, then you received even more.

However, as a parent, are you winning? Are you using these benefits for the good of your child’s health?
I see too many parents taking advantage of the extra funds at grocery stores. That is a great thing; getting food to help feed the family without the struggle.
Hence, are you buying nutritional valued food, or are you just buying junk food? I spoke with a relative who received the extra funds, and she stated she just let her teens go out and get the things they need.

I then asked her, is this a healthy idea? She stated, that is on them; they can help me cook less for the summer.
I was shocked but not surprised. There are a lot of younger generations of low income parents who share the same sentiments.
So, with the extra funds, how do you get the young black family to make healthy choices? Especially when it comes to feeding a family of growing children.
According to leading dietitians, protein, iron, calcium, and zinc are all important nutrients teens need to grow properly.

The 10 unhealthy foods for kids:
- Sugary fruit snacks (Try sugar free)
- Sports drinks
- Soda
- Hot dogs
- Packaged pre-prepared lunches
- Toaster pastries
- Pizza rolls
- Processed luncheon meat
- Sweet rolls
- Frozen pizza
I did a little research, and noticed that in 2017, black children and teens have viewed an average of more than 16 food related ads per day, compared to 8.8 ads per day for white children, and 7.8 ads for white teens.
And sadly, I would hate to see the numbers for 2020.
More important reading: https://www.vitalproteins.com/blogs/wellness/inspiring-black-dietitians
Parents shouldn’t force their kids to eat healthy, but teach them the importance of eating healthy nutrients. Instead of stuffing the grocery cart with packages of pizzas, ice cream, and soda, try adding fruits, vegetables, and maybe plain yogurts to get them on the right track.
In addition to eating right, kids need to get out and exercise.
Getting benefits to feed your family when you need them helps a lot. You, as a parent, still have to make the right choices to assure that today’s black youth is growing up safe and healthy.
Here is a link to find out more on dietitians/nutritionists that may help with children’s eating habits and healthy choices:
Photos by Associated Press
LIfestyle blogger who talks all things personal development, productivity, and travel.