So, next month is the long awaited excuse to show how much you don’t love someone. Because if you truly loved them, why wait until February 14th, show them now, how much you care.
I never cared for the day. Goodbye!
Valentine’s Day history: #Google
Turns out, it was a pretty common name during Late Antiquity. As far as anyone can tell, the Saint Valentine of Valentine’s Day was one of two guys preaching the good word in Rome in the third century. One of these two was martyred on February 14th 269, thus giving us the date for his eponymous day.
What is the meaning of Valentine?
A sweetheart
val·en·tine ˈva-lən-ˌtīn. : a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine’s Day. : a gift or greeting sent or given especially to a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. especially : a greeting card sent on this day. : something (such as a movie or piece of writing) expressing uncritical praise or affection : tribute.
Is Valentine’s Day biblical?
Christians can celebrate Valentine’s Day if they want to. There is nothing wrong with sending a friend or your significant other a card and a box of candy on February 14th. One of the only reasons some Christians don’t celebrate it is because of the pagan festival of Lupercalia.
What is Lupercalia?
How do people celebrate Lupercalia?
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife, and the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh.
Ok, I have read enough. So, why is it so important to celebrate this date? Well I will say this, man has commercialized so much, just to make money.