When life is good, everything is, by and large, going your way and working in your favor. Consequently, the hard times you left behind often seem distant as if they occurred in another version of your life.  Conversely, the good times seem light years away and unobtainable when your good life turns hellish. It was that way for me when I gained weight and could not lose it on my own. No matter what I tried, any positive results were short lived, the weight returned quickly, and there was more of it. Perhaps you feel the way I used to. If so, do not believe your circumstances.

If you had told me ten (10) years ago that I would one day crave avocados, black olives, and kale, I would have thought you belonged in a mental health institution, but God still performs miracles in the lives of everyday people. If you are willing to turn your plate and your weight over to Him, He will turn your mind and your taste buds inside out. By His grace, working out and staying on a diet plan will become child’s play, and eggplant lasagna will taste better than any pasta dish you have ever had.

Yes, in the past, you searched for your health and fitness solution in all the wrong places, but you will never find the answer if you do not go looking for it. The Bible says to “Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find! Knock and it will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks, it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). God has responded to your prayers by leading you to the answer to your health and fitness problem. He has left the door open for you to enter into the Promised Land of Healthy and Fit for Life. In fact, Jesus is the Door (John 10:9-11).  However, it is up to you to walk through. Trust Him and make the journey from bad times to good times. There is no need to fear another failure. Through Christ, the best is yet to come!

If you believe your best health and fitness days are yet to come through Christ, purchase your copies of the Eating as an Act of Worship Workbook and the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher’s Edition online today at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.com.  In the books, you will learn the biblical principles regarding the body, dieting, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body for the glory of God.  Read our weekly blog for motivation to stay healthy and fit through Christ.  Follow us daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for recipes, and diet and exercise tips.  Tune in to our syndicated radio show on iTunes, Spotify the DFW Den Radio Station, the StudioW Buzz Radio Station, and Victory KVDW 100.9 FM, 95.3 FM, and 1530 AM in Little Rock, Arkansas for interviews and health and fitness trends. Lastly, make your tax-deductible donation to Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries at www.eatingasanactofworshipministries.org!

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