Very often, overweight people and those entangled with eating disorders have a vision in their minds of the healthy and fit version of themselves. That vision is born of a desire to reach and maintain their full potential physically as well as mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This desire for the abundant life in every aspect of your existence is given by God although we do not always recognize it as a gift from Him. Nevertheless, Proverbs 29:18 teaches us that without a vision the people perish.
We see the fulfillment of this Biblical truth all around us every day as one-by-one a multitude of husbands, daughters, friends, and co-workers lose their lives as a result of an obesity related disease or eating disorder. However, failing to eat right and exercise are not the worst things you can do. On the contrary, the absolute worst thing you can do is lose sight of the vision of the healthy and fit version of yourself! When you stop believing it is possible to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life or to finally be free of an eating disorder that has plagued you for years, you basically condemn yourself to die in the same way that a person is convicted and given the death penalty.
Hope is necessary to overcome obstacles in your life. Those who lose hope miss opportunities, do not notice the way or ways of escape God provides, and fail to recognize blessings meant to improve their circumstances. God gives you the vision of the best version of yourself to keep hope burning brightly within you and to spark a passionate desire to succeed. Do not let your fuel run out before you arrive at your destination! Ask God to not only keep the vision of the healthy and fit version of yourself constantly before you, but also to empower you to finally attain the victory of leaving the Wilderness of Obesity and Eating Disorders and dwell forevermore in the Promised Land of Healthy and Fit for Life!If you want God to make your health and fitness vision become your reality through Christ, purchase your copies of the Eating as an Act of Worship Workbook and the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher’s Edition online today at Amazon or Barnes and In the books, you will learn the biblical principles regarding the body, dieting, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body for the glory of God. Read our weekly blog for motivation to stay healthy and fit through Christ. Follow us daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for recipes, and diet and exercise tips. Tune in to our syndicated radio show on iTunes, Spotify, the DFW Den Radio Station, the StudioW Buzz Radio Station, and Victory KVDW 100.9 FM, 95.3 FM, and 1530 AM in Little Rock, Arkansas for interviews and health and fitness trends. Lastly, make your tax-deductible donation to Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries at!